Our mobile application provides an ideal platform for medical education in both descriptive and animated videos.NOVELTY OF “GI-CARE”:Our app is focused on gastroenterology department which we selected on the basis of our personal preferences.It is designed with two logins ,one for patients and other for healthcare professionals and medical students.By enabling different login for patients ,it reduces risk of self medication.CONTENTS OF THE APP:5.2.1.DESCRIPTIVE FACETDescriptive side has acknowledged with detailed presentation about drugs , diseases and lifestyle modifications.Drug section is provided with brand name with current price,pharmacology,pharmacokinetics and monitoring parameters.Disease section is provided with Definition,etiology,pathophysiology,signs and symptoms,risk factors,complications ,diagnosis , pharmacological and non-pharmacological management .5.2.2.ANIMATION FACET Animation side has been uniquely designed with cartoon portrayals with 3D visualization and audios.It depicts the pathophysiology ,signs and symptoms,risk factors,complications and lifestyle modifications.We have also included major diagnostic procedures thereby reducing the anxiety level of patients. Animation videos can be incredibly valuable for patients in a number of ways. In this application, we included four major gastro-intestinal disorders:gerd,liver cirrhosis,ibs and ibd.